It’s been studied that candies at the end of a meal increase the tips waiters get. Also, whether it’s delivered with a smile and how many candies you’re willing to give. By that reasoning, the same goes for clever packaging inserts. The better the customer service, the greater the chance that you will gain a returning customer for your eCommerce business.
The unboxing moment
Remember what it feels like to receive a package and excitedly open it? Santa Clause might have something to do with it. The way you present your customers with added value is by inserting a quality brochure or card in the packaging to connect with your buyer. Catalogs have been using inserts successfully for decades. However, these are not your only options, sample products or discounts can also be included. Let’s explore how you can turn that one sale into recurring revenue.
Packaging Inserts and Outserts
Don’t get confused when you hear about inserts and outserts. The difference between these two is quite obvious. The insert goes inside the package and the outset on the outside. It is usually securely stuck to the outside of the packaging.
If you have a hefty brochure or instruction manual, try to make the insert as compact as possible. You don’t want your packaging insert to be bigger than your product. There are several folding techniques that help with this.
Packaging insert ideas to retain your customers
Make the insert relevant
Your insert should complement your product. If it’s a book, consider putting some effort into a quality bookmark that can be used as a reminder of your service. You can also use the waiter with his candy method to make their reading experience more enjoyable with that awe… moment. A piece of chocolate goes a long way. That’s essentially what you want. That moment when you bring a smile to your customers’ faces.
Thanks for choosing us!
A Thank You note, especially a handwritten one, is a clever marketing technique. Your customer identifies more with your product and appreciates the brand. A written note sets you apart from the large-scale competitors that don’t have the bandwidth to use personalization in their branding as a marketing technique. You can have a custom print job done with eye-catching branding, but it also doesn’t have to be expensive. Use a good quality paper and pen and voilà!
If you already have a large-scale business, you can have printed cards in a handwritten font, possibly with a signature. With a beautiful design and quality paper, you can create a business card or postcard on the cheap. Work with a fulfillment company that has their own in-house designers to collaborate with you on your branding and design.
Sample products
You have a leg up here since you usually get samples for free from your supplier. It’s the little extra that won’t cost you a cent. Imagine receiving your order in the mail and getting something for free! To best secure future purchases, use a sample that complements their current purchase. Customers love their branding as much as we do. With social media, you share your brand with the world. And having a “favorite brand” is a hot topic of conversation. And conversations about your brand is what you want.
How social media helps your branding
We live in a world of the reputation economy, driven by social media. Hate it or love it, you have to embrace it as an excellent marketing technique. Request shares and reviews of your product from your customers. Suggest a post of the special gift or offer they received. Or a video of them using the product. Hashtags are an excellent way to reach an even wider audience. Remember that reviews can make or break your brand.
Get rid of old inventory
Have some stock left from a product that just won’t move? Consider selling it at a lower cost to select customers who ordered from you. That way your storage costs will go down, and you’ll still make a profit on the sale.
Discounts and special offers
One for me. One for you. A popular method to get your brand in front of people is to offer discount inserts. A great word of mouth technique is to give a discount on the next purchase to your buyer and also to a friend of the buyer. This prompts future business from a current and a new customer!
It’s nice to receive a discount card in the packaging instead of by email. Having something tangible reminds your customer of their discount or special offer, as opposed to an email that maybe gets opened once. Something else to consider is dollars versus percentage. Psychologically, we are programmed to respond better to dollar amounts. But if you have a low-cost product, best go with the percentage to make the better impression.
In conclusion, the influence that packaging inserts have on your brand and your store is considerable. It can turn customers away or have them share your brand with friends and grow your sales. As mentioned, it doesn’t have to be expensive, but it has to look good and connect your customer with your brand.